Adding Liens and Contacts

Last Revised:  December 14, 2015

The instructions below provide information on adding both new and pre-existing liens and adding contact information.

For instructions on canceling, releasing, extinguishing, and amending liens, see Updating Special Liens & Contacts.

Fees can be added on the Fee screen; see Adding or Changing Fees on an Account. If the file date on a lien is before 9/1/2014, a $100 fee is attached to the lien.


To add a new lien:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Products, then Special Liens.  
  2. If you are coming from another screen with an account that already has at least one lien, the Lien Search screen will appear, with the account's liens populated there.

If you are coming from another screen with an account that does not have a lien, the Lien Master screen will appear.

If you do not have an account yet, the Lien Search screen will appear. To search for an existing lien on this screen:

  1. If you are still on the Lien Search screen, click the Lien Master tab.
  2. Press F6 (Insert). The cursor will move to a blank row.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow in the Lien Type column and select the type of lien to add: Demolition, Health, Securing, Visual Blight, or Unknown (other types not listed).
  4. Enter the Work Date, which is the date the work was done (for ex., the date the lawn was mowed).
  5. Enter the Project No. and File Name, which will be given to you on your paperwork.
  6. (optional) Enter a Batch No., which can be used for internal tracking by the tax office.
  7. The Interest defaults to the setting for the client preference LIEN_DEFAULT_INTEREST_PCT. If you need to change this, click the drop-down arrow and select a different rate.
  8. Click the Details button.
  9. If you are adding a Demolition lien, delete the legal description and enter the description form the paperwork provided to you.
  10. Enter the Amount of the lien.
  11. Click Save Liens. Two receivables will be created--one for the lien fee of $36.70, using the tax unit entered in the LIEN_RELEASE_FEE_TAXUNIT and another for the jurisdiction, which shows the amount of the lien. The word ACTIVE appears at the bottom right of the Lien Master screen, which indicates the status of the lien.   Note that apport records are not created for these liens.

The due date of the lien is 02/01/2090. The Creation Date on the Lien Detail date is the current date (system date); this date cannot be changed.

  1. To print a Notice of Lien, click the Print Liens button on the Lien Master screen.  (You can click Save and Print Liens instead of doing these steps separately.)
  2. In the pop up window, check the Notice of Lien checkbox.
  3. Click Print Lien.  A note is automatically inserted into the Notes screen.
  4. To view the note, click the green Exit button ( ) to return to the Lien Master screen, then click the Notes button at the top of the screen.

To add a pre-existing (historical) lien:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Products, then Special Liens.  The Lien Search screen will appear. Search for a lien by account number or lien ID on this screen or by account number on the Lien Master screen. See Searching for a Special Lien for instructions.
  2. Click the Lien Master tab. The Lien Master screen will appear. The Amount is the total levy (total principal), not the levy currently due. It does not include penalty, interest, or fees, either.
  3. Click the Add Historical Liens button at the top (this button is not enabled on the Lien Search screen). A popup appears.
  4. The Lien Number, Lien Interest, Legal Description, Change Date, and Operator are auto-populated.
  5. Enter the Year and Work Date. These are required fields.
  6. Enter any other information that you have for the lien.
  7. Click OK to save the information. You will be returned to the Lien Master screen. Receivables are not created for these historical liens, but the lien record is saved.  A note is created for the lien.
  8. To see the note that is inserted for the historical lien, click the Notes button at the top of the screen.
  9. Click the Detail button; the operator ID ends with '_HIST', indicating that this is an historical lien.
  10. To add payment history for these  liens, use the History Addback screen.

To add contacts:

Contacts can be added at any time a lien is active. They are frequently added for Demolition liens.

  1. From the Lien Master screen, click in the line for the lien to which you are adding contacts.
  2. Click Contacts. The Contacts screen will appear.
  3. In a blank column, enter the name, address, etc. for the contact.  If the three columns on the screen are already filled, click Add Contact to add another empty column.
  4. If the next Contact is similar to the previous one, click in the next blank column to highlight it, then click Copy Record. The information from the column to the left copy the previous to the new column. You can make changes as needed.
  5. To return to the Lien Master screen, click OK.
  6. Click Save Liens to save the contact information.